Tuesday 23 August 2011

Thing 11- mentoring

So far I haven't been involved with mentoring, but can appreciate the benefits that a good mentor can provide especially to a newer member of the profession.
I guess I have been unofficially mentored, my line manager is very approachable and over the years I have asked her for help and advice which has always been freely given.
Also when I started in my present post a very experienced colleague helped me in lots of ways with advice, wisdom and friendship. Her unofficial mentoring was absolutely invaluable, it helped me gain confidence and spread my wings, and even though she has since retired her influence continues. I often think what would she think about this or that, thanks Rachel!

Thing 10

I became a librarian many years ago, more than I care to remember!
I'm an old fashioned girl and took time out from my public library career to have a family and then rejoined the profession at the University of Glamorgan. I undertook a variety of posts here before my present one, Information Librarian with faculty liaison for Humanities, Social Sciences and Psychology.
I'm Chartered and a member of CILIP but more importantly feel that my professional development continues, I am learning and developing even after all this time. We are a sharing, caring profession and I enjoy working with colleagues here at Glamorgan. I never cease to be amazed at the professionalism and dedication of librarians both here and in the wider world.

Things 8 & 9

Catching up again!
Google calendar fine, did this some time ago, just didn't get around to the blog. Not sure how much I will use it but willing to give anything a try.
Having just said that I had a good look at Evernote and decided it's not for me.
On to Thing 10.